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Preparing for Your Puppy!
Getting a new puppy is so exciting! For me it is like a kid on Christmas morning! Puppies do require some equipment/ products to make the transition a smoother one. I recommend the following items:
These items are "must-haves" in our opinion:
Crate - my dogs prefer a solid sided crate (plastic ones) but these don't work for all dogs. It's important to have a crate that is appropriate for the size of your puppy. Some crates do come with a divider, so that you can make a small area for your small puppy and then enlarge it as the puppy grows. If you give your puppy too much room in his/her crate then it will potty in one end and sleep in the other end.
Food - we will go over with you the food that we are feeding, and will send some of that food home with you on the day you pick the puppy up, but it is important to have your mind made up on if you plan to continue to feed that food or transition to a new food. Transitioning to a new food can upset a puppy's stomach and cause problems. Whenever transitioning foods, do it slowing over the course of a couple weeks.
Bedding - we like to use fleece material that we buy by the yard. It's easier to wash and dry than big, thick dog beds. Plus, puppies might de-stuff the dog bed and eat some of the stuffing causing a potentially life-threatening situation.
Bowls - you'll need at least two bowls - one for food and one for water. It is nice to have an extra set of measuring spoons/scoops to accurately measure out your puppy's food. You can buy an inexpensive set at the grocery or dollar store. As for the bowls, I don't like to scrimp in quality, as this is something my dog is going to eat and drink out of daily. I try to avoid "made in China" items. I prefer stainless steel bowls. Ones that are dishwasher safe are even better, so that you can pop them in there occasionally to clean them.
Grooming Tools - it's important to have proper grooming tools before bringing your newfydoodle puppy home. I like a nice, sturdy metal comb, a de-matting tool, slicker brush, and metal pin brush. We can go over the ones we recommend if you'd like.
Optional Items - but in my opinion, nice to have!
Doggie Gates or Exercise Pens - when house training your puppy it is important to keep the puppy close to you to look for signs of needing to potty. With today's open-concept homes it can be easy for a puppy to wander to another room to potty. Puppies, by nature, want to keep their areas clean and neat and potty in areas they don't really use. We use an exercise pen and puppy gates to keep our puppies in the kitchen and living room areas with us where we can keep a close eye on them!
Grooming Table and Arm - we groom our own dogs, but it is time consuming and can be exhausting. Grooming your own dogs is definitely not for everyone, but even if you plan to have a groomer do the really tough work of full grooms, you need to brush your puppy/dog in between full groomings from a dog groomer. Having the pup on the grooming table at a nice standing height for you can be a real back-saver!
Clippers and scissors - if you plan to groom your dog or do touch-up jobs in between full clips from the groomer, you'll want a nice set of clippers. We did go with an inexpensive set of highly rated scissors from amazon, and they have worked well for no more than we use the scissors to groom. (We can go over any grooming questions you have when you pick up your pup).
How to Prepare Your House for a New Puppy!?
Puppies are like really fast 9-month-old babies! They put everything in their mouths and like to explore their surroundings to see what things they can get into. It is important to think about preparing your home for a baby.
Put small items out of the puppy's reach
If you have kids - try to have them play with their toys in the toy room and only allow the puppy in that room when you are able to watch it diligently. Or they can play with toys up on a high table away from the edge.
Make sure there are no cords where the puppy could get them and chew on them.
Potty Training Basics:
Take the puppy out often! Puppies can be put into a small crate when you are not able to watch them, but keep in mind puppies can only hold it for so long and you should try to get them to potty before putting them into the crate for the best results. You should try to take the puppy out to the same spot and give a verbal command like "go potty".
​Take the puppy out to potty:
As soon as the puppy wakes from sleeping
After eating meals and snacks
If you see signs of needing to potty - take the pup out immediately